
1.- Obtain and/or maintain a clean industry certification or environmental compliance within the port

The ports that still do not have their certificates, should continue to strive to obtain them by the year 2010.
The ports that already have their certificate should ensure that they are current.

2.- Service providers and cessionaries should implement actions that prevent contamination and preserve the environment

Carry out at least 3 actions with the cessionaries and/or service providers throughout the year.

3.- Streamline the Organization’s use of materials and resources

Carry out 3 activities that will lead to a reduction in the consumption of electricity, water and consumables by year’s end.

4.-Implement a special improvement program in the management processes of the Port Authorities, through an managerial improvement project, in order to improve procedures, maximize the quality of goods and services, increase efficiency and minimize operative and administrative costs

Carry out actions to comply with PIMG projects that are reported throughout the year in the electronic system.
Last updated on: 15/03/2014 (14:00)