SGCA Quality Policy


Those of us that make up the General Direction of Port Development and Administration and the Port Authorities, are committed to propelling national port development through meeting our clients’ needs; in the context of continued improvement that contributes to the consolidation of our best business practices; as well as the conservation of the environment and care of the natural resources in the scope of competition, under the applicable legislation. General Coordinator of Ports and Merchant Marine


1.- Obtain and/or maintain the Port’s clean industry or environmental compliance certification.

The ports that still are not certified, should do so by the year 2009.
The ports that are certified, should maintain it in force.

2.- Instill among cessionaries and service providers the implementation of actions that will improve service quality, with regards to the environment.

Finalize at least one meeting with cessionary and service provider upper management, including personnel from SEMARNAT, to commit to a work plan that will lead to an improvement in service quality , with regards to the environment.

3.-Implement a unique information system that improves administrative and operational port procedures; as well as the exchange of information with different port clients.

Standardize IT platforms by December 2009.
Implement a consolidated IT system by December 2009.

4.-Streamline the use of the organization’s resources and materials.

Carry out 3 activities that lead to a reduction in electric and water consumption by the end of the year.

5.-Implement a Special Management Improvement Program in the Port Authorities, under the framework of the consolidated Integrated Management Improvement Project (Consolidated API PIMG), in order to improve procedures, maximize the quality of goods and services, increase efficiency and minimize operation and administrative costs.

Achieve the lines of action, commitments and verification methods established in the following components: standard and specific, of the Consolidated API PIMG.
Last updated on: 15/03/2014 (14:00)